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Friend in Need

Friend in Need

In June 2020, we launched our new telephone befriending service, Friend in Need. The service provides a free weekly 30 minute telephone friendship call for people in Wales who are 70 or over

Volunteer as a telephone befriender

Volunteer Stories

Services you can sign post to:

Silverline (24/7) - 0800 4 70 80 90

Samaritans (24/7) 116 123

Age Cymru Advice Line (Mon-Fri 9-4) 0300 303 4498

MIND (Mon-Fri 9-6) 0300 123 339

Call Helpline (Mental Health Helpline for Wales) 0800 132 737

Domestic Abuse Service Live Fear Free 0808 801 0800


Contact the team:

Fiona Douglass, Volunteer Support Officer - 07944 995637

Email: fiona.douglass@agecymru.org.uk 

Address: Mariners House, Trident Court, Eastmoors Rd, Cardiff Cf24 5TD


General Information:

If there is no answer when you make your call then here is a little reminder of the procedure to follow:

  • If no answer from service user then call again in 10mins.
  • Call again 10mins later if still no answer.
  • If still no answer, contact the emergency contact – should there be one.
  • If the person has not given an emergency contact (or if there is no answer from the emergency contact) then call again the week after at the agreed time. 

Friend In Need Flyer:

Resources | Age Cymru Volunteer Hub

Friend in Need | Age Cymru Volunteer Hub

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